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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale > Customer Profile >
Invoice Templates

Invoice Templates is used to create recurring invoices for a customer. For example an invoice for "Yearly Subscription Fees".

Steps to create an invoice template.

  1. Navigate to "Linkweb - Customer Profile" and select the customer.
  2. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the customer to expand into the details.
  3. Navigate to the "Invoice Template" tab. Refer to Figure 1.
  4. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  5. Enter below details:
    1. Location - Select the location from the list.
      1. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Point of Sales - Location".
    2. Description - Enter the description for the invoice.
    3. Frequency - Select the frequency at which the invoice should auto generate or recur. For example, the invoice to be generated on the 1st of every month.
      1. Frequency is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Frequency".
    4. Next Run Date - Enter the start date and time from which the invoice should be created.
    5. Active - Tick the box for the system to create the recurring invoices.
    6. Save.  Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    7. Expand into the details to add the items for the invoice.
      1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
      2. Enter below details:
        1. Line
        2. Product
        3. Description
        4. Posting Account
        5. Revenue GL Account
        6. Quantity
        7. Unit Price
        8. Notes -  Users can enter referential notes.
        9. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".